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What is Rhetorix?

Rhetorix is a fusion of the words rhetoric and matrix, symbolizing a structured, foundational system for mastering the art of persuasive and effective communication. In the digital age, Rhetorix represents a modern approach to evaluating and enhancing oral communication skills through innovative technology, echoing the ancient practices of eloquent discourse and public speaking.

Bridging the Past and Present

Rhetorix Lab builds on the ancient Greek tradition of rhetoric by providing a platform that emphasizes the importance of oral communication in today's world. By leveraging asynchronous video capture and AI-enhanced grading, Rhetorix Lab allows educators to assess students' knowledge and communication skills in a comprehensive and scalable manner.

With Rhetorix Lab, educators can:

  • Maintain high standards of academic integrity
  • Deliver media-rich assessments that evaluate both content and delivery
  • Prepare students for real-world scenarios that require strong oral communication skills

Human evaluations matter most to people

Human judgment is irreplaceable. At Rhetorix Lab, we preserve the personal touch of teachers while integrating AI to enhance grading efficiency and feedback.

AI-Assisted Efficiency

Our grading dashboard provides

  • Automated video transcription
  • Playback speed controls
  • Seamless transcript highlighting synchronized with spoken words

These features enable instructors to review student responses at up to 3x normal speed, increasing grading efficiency while making it easier to capture key points, identify areas for improvement, and ensure every word is accurately assessed.

Data-Guided Grading

The dashboard can also display linguistic metrics, including:

  • Filler language usage (um, uh, like)
  • Language complexity
  • Speech rate
  • Use of technical language

These metrics offer valuable insights into the effectiveness, clarity, and professionalism of a student's communication, enabling targeted improvements that enhance both content delivery and overall presentation skills.